Celebrate All of the “WINS!”

Celebrate All of the “WINS!”

PHYSICAL  Celebrate All of the “WINS!” By Melissa Vitelli, Program Manager As a member of a fitness center managed by Corporate Health Unlimited, you’ve probably heard about FitTripRXTM: a 12-week body transformation challenge with a goal to lose fat and gain muscle....
The Brain Dance

The Brain Dance

PHYSICAL  The Brain Dance  By Thomas Williams, BS Exercise Science Dance has been a spark of joy in this world for centuries and will be for centuries to come. Weddings, reunions, concerts, dates, birthday parties, no matter what the event, dancing is always involved....
Healthy Eating – 101

Healthy Eating – 101

NUTRITION  Healthy Eating – 101 By Katie Rickels, General Manager Let’s face it, we make the phrase “eating healthy” much more complicated than it needs to be. There are many fad diets, cookie-cutter programs that break the wallet, and the thought that planning...
Get your daily LOLs!

Get your daily LOLs!

MENTAL Get Your Daily LOLs! By Denise Mirabella, M.Ed. General Manager LOL!  Laughter really is the best medicine.  It’s true!  There is science behind it!    Try this, think of the funniest scene in a movie that you have ever seen.  I’m talking almost laugh/cry type...
Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness

FINANCIAL Financial Wellness By Jacob Yount EP-C ACSM  When I think of financial wellness, my first thought is that everyone is unique in their financial situation. Some people have two or three jobs, and some people do not work at all and rely on a significant others...