By Jamie Colcord
In life, there are many things that are on our to-do lists. Sometimes exciting things, sometimes maybe not so exciting. A lot of times the not so exciting things are necessary and also important to be your very best in life. Some of those tasks may be cooking a healthy meal, cleaning the house, doing taxes, eating vegetables, or even getting a workout in. That is where your old friend, motivation, steps in.
Motivation is defined as the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. Often times we wait for motivation to arrive in order to start a workout, finish that project or knock items off the to-do list. However, many times it eludes us and we wonder where it went and why we can’t find it.
If you wait for motivation to arrive and meet you at your computer or at the gym to complete any given task you may be waiting a long time. Many times we think that motivation leads to action, which leads to results. In reality, action leads to results which keep you motivated. I want to encourage you just start. Change into workout clothes. Five minutes later, grab your socks and shoes. Five minutes later start to head out the door and walk. Give yourself five minutes of walking before you really kick it into gear with a power walk or jog. Get moving and the motivation will find you.
Remember, action leads to results which leads to motivation. Get into action TODAY and motivation will find you.
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